About Me …

I grew up and still reside in the beautiful Nambe Valley of northern New Mexico. I got my start in leatherwork by taking my step son to a 4-H Leatherwork class. He was eight years old and didn’t think he could sit still long enough to get anything done, but I was hooked! The little bit I learned that day has turned into a passion for the craft. Over the last decade, I have devoted myself to learning new techniques to improve my craft. I have spent years learning how to draw so that I could create my own designs. Each design I use on items is drawn and carved by hand. I love nothing more than the texture, smell and feel of leather.

Growing up and living on a farm in northern New Mexico, it would be hard not to be inspired by the beauty all around me so this is where I get most of my inspiration.

I do a lot of personalized work and enjoy working with each client to create the perfect item.